The original Triathlon Bike Rack (TBR-8) |
The original Triathlon Bike
Rack (TBR-8) |
The original Triathlon Bike
Rack (TBR-8) |
The original Triathlon Bike Rack (TBR-8) in action at
St. Anthony's Triathlon.
Approximately 4000 bikes on 500 racks. |
Triathlon Bike Rack - Short (TBR-6) |
Triathlon Bike Rack - Kit
Includes 2 x
Bracket/Couplings and 4 x Legs. Customer must separately source
the main beam. |
Assembled Triathlon Bike Rack
- Kit (TBR-K). |
Closer view one end of an assembled Triathlon Bike Rack
- Kit (TBR-K), with set
screws inverted. |
Triathlon Bike Rack - Kit,
Bracket/Couplings (TBR-KBC), Set of
2 |
Triathlon Bike Rack - Kit, Brackets
(TBR-KB), Set of 2 |
left to right, side-by-side
comparison of the TBR-K, TBR-8, and TBR-6. |
Triathlon Bike Rack (TBR-8) Assembly Video #1
Triathlon Bike Rack (TBR-8) Assembly Video #2
Triathlon Bike Rack - Kit (TBR-K) Assembly Video