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Feet to Feast 5K
Palm Coast, FL
November 24, 2011
Timing and Results: RaceSmith, Inc.
Results Questions: Krisha@RaceSmith.com
Place No.   Name                    Sex Age City                   St Time    Pace  
===== ===== ======================= === === ====================== == ======= ===== 
    1   536 Michael Unklesbay         M  39 South Daytona          FL   19:33  6:18 
    2   451 Mickey Garrett            M  43 Bunnell                FL   20:20  6:33 
    3   494 James Crean               M  48 St. Augustine          FL   20:34  6:37 
    4   495 Shyri Marnzitz            M  38 Clarence               NY   21:07  6:48 
    5   535 Winkert Tom               M  47 Potomac                MD   21:18  6:52 
    6   428 Keith Dedeo               M  39 Palm Coast             FL   21:19  6:52 
    7   353 Maria Pugliese            F  40 Palm Coast             FL   21:51  7:02 
    8   379 Erik Smith                M  47 Beverly Hills          FL   21:56  7:04 
    9   329 Todd Mellow               M  42 Palm Coast             FL   22:01  7:06 
   10   534 Brenda Breidenstein       F  29 Palm Coast             FL   22:23  7:12 
   11   311 Ray Knowles               M  34 Palm Coast             FL   22:44  7:19 
   12   514 Kenneth Pado              M  47 Palm Coast             FL   22:55  7:23 
   13   278 Katherine Ferguson        F  30 Union                  MO   23:13  7:29 
   14   521 Eric Wooley               M  46 Orange City            FL   23:15  7:29 
   15   322 Chris Mathies             M  48 Petaluma               CA   23:24  7:32 
   16   528 Chris Tsouklaris          M  46 Flagler Beach          FL   23:24  7:32 
   17   373 Melissa Sepe              F  35 Palm Coast             FL   23:36  7:36 
   18   493 Anna Marunchenko          F  34 Flagler Beach          FL   23:38  7:37 
   19   511 Savannah Dubac            F  17 Palm Coast             FL   23:42  7:38 
   20   457 Sean Snyder               M  11 Palm Coast             FL   23:46  7:39 
   21   261 Brendan Coyle             M  32 Miami Beach            FL   23:47  7:40 
   22   328 Randy Mellow              M  44 Raleigh                NC   23:50  7:41 
   23   234 Richard Arkin             M  22 Palm Coast             FL   24:03  7:45 
   24   342 Christine Pappas          F  31 Gainesville            FL   24:34  7:55 
   25   473 Brant Brockdorff          M  44 Frederick              MD   24:35  7:55 
   26   537 Khayri Herron             M  18 Palm Coast             FL   24:36  7:56 
   27   438 Brett Witte               M  31 Palm Coast             FL   24:49  8:00 
   28   466 Donnie Walker             M  59 Palm Coast             FL   24:50  8:00 
   29   505 Bernadette Stocker        F  21 Flagler Beach          FL   24:53  8:01 
   30   343 Crystal Pfister           F  29 Mount Dora             FL   24:55  8:02 
   31   242 William Butler            M  58 Palm Coast             FL   24:57  8:02 
   32   313 Dawn Lisenby              F  43 Flagler Beach          FL   25:01  8:03 
   33   519 Jeff Haydock              M  25 Exeter                 FL   25:08  8:06 
   34   513 Tasha McDaniel            F  43 Ormond Beach           FL   25:11  8:07 
   35   520 Ralph Dumke               M  54 Palm Coast             FL   25:12  8:07 
   36   476 Ginger Coffey             F  41 Flagler Beach          FL   25:22  8:10 
   37   496 Tim McAndrew              M  51 Palm Coast             FL   25:31  8:13 
   38   239 Bob Broadwater            M  67 Palm Coast             FL   25:37  8:15 
   39   442 Robert Anderau            M  49 Palm Coast             FL   25:43  8:17 
   40   431 Virginia Annaheim         F  16 Palm Coast             FL   25:45  8:18 
   41   244 Todd Cantanno             M  30 Palm Coast             FL   25:49  8:19 
   42   400 Jonathan Van Dalen        M  14 Palm Coast             FL   26:00  8:22 
   43   490 Ron Harper                M  46 Highlands Ranch        CO   26:03  8:23 
   44   544 Robert Coffman            M  53 Palm Coast             FL   26:05  8:24 
   45   381 Steven Sobel              M  30 Palm Coast             FL   26:07  8:25 
   46   501 Wayne Merrill             M  65 Flagler Beach          FL   26:08  8:25 
   47   546 Elizabeth Murphy          F  30 Brooklyn               NY   26:12  8:26 
   48   326 Danny Mellow              M  63 Erie                   PA   26:13  8:27 
   49   508 Karen Heartt              F  26 Palm Coast             FL   26:14  8:27 
   50   509 Greg Heartt               M  24 Palm Coast             FL   26:14  8:27 
   51   358 Luke Reich                M   9 Brooklyn               NY   26:15  8:27 
   52   548 Patrick Conklin           M  13 Flagler Beach          FL   26:26  8:31 
   53   411 Tyler Walls               M  15 Palm Coast             FL   26:43  8:36 
   54   256 Tim Chron                 M  45 Northbrook             IL   26:50  8:38 
   55   462 Roger Spires              M  27 Palm Coast             FL   26:55  8:40 
   56   515 Krista Walbert            F  39 Flagler Beach          FL   27:08  8:44 
   57   243 Nicole Cannon             F  26 St. Augustine          FL   27:13  8:46 
   58   516 Marie Roache              F  46 Palm Coast             FL   27:14  8:46 
   59   474 Brady Brockdorff          M  14 Fredrick               MD   27:15  8:46 
   60   257 Tyler Chron               M   9 Northbrook             IL   27:29  8:51 
   61   334 Barbara Murphy            F  56 Marietta               GA   27:29  8:51 
   62   312 Anne Lewis                F  29 Elkton                 FL   27:29  8:51 
   63   383 Terry Spencer             M  54 Clarksville            TN   27:34  8:53 
   64   517 Jenn Geiss                F  33 Palm Coast             FL   27:36  8:53 
   65   294 Harmony Henry             F  30 Palm Coast             FL   27:36  8:53 
   66   403 Ainsley Vendur            F  10 Murfreesboro           TN   27:40  8:55 
   67   351 Maria Prevatte            F  52 Flagler Beach          FL   27:49  8:57 
   68   504 Roseanne Stocker          F  48 Flagler Beach          FL   27:49  8:57 
   69   332 Kirsten Mitchell          F  43 Palm Coast             FL   28:02  9:02 
   70   276 Randi Fasnacht            F  47 Palm Coast             FL   28:04  9:02 
   71   445 Nicole Madalena           F  16 Palm Coast             FL   29:12  9:24 
   72   317 Brian Madalena            M  20 Palm Coast             FL   29:12  9:24 
   73   375 Jim Shashaty              M  12 Tallahsssee            FL   29:22  9:28 
   74   264 Robert Daniels            M  34 Jacksonville           FL   29:23  9:28 
   75   503 Ann Miller                F  48 Colorado Springs       CO   29:24  9:28 
   76   502 Patrick Miller            M  45 Colorado Springs       CO   29:25  9:28 
   77   390 Janice Telegdy            F  39 Palm Coast             FL   29:27  9:29 
   78   446 Tammy Crogan              F  49 Palm Coast             FL   29:35  9:32 
   79   388 Katie Sticca              F  27 Boston                 MA   29:39  9:33 
   80   397 Paul Usztok               M  60 Palm Coast             FL   29:44  9:34 
   81   398 Zachary Usztok            M  21 Palm Coast             FL   29:44  9:35 
   82   384 Elizabeth Spurlock        F  41 Palm Coast             FL   29:47  9:35 
   83   258 Cynthia Cole              F  43 Palm Coast             FL   29:47  9:36 
   84   374 Elizabeth Shashaty        F  45 Tallahsssee            FL   29:53  9:38 
   85   389 Robert Sticca             M  57 Fargo                  ND   30:06  9:42 
   86   531 Meredith Otto             F  29 Port Orange            FL   30:08  9:42 
   87   512 Barbara Prosch            F  39 Palm Coast             FL   30:17  9:45 
   88   426 Jeff Zidkowski            M  20 Palm Coast             FL   30:25  9:48 
   89   409 Carol Walker              F  54 Palm Coast             FL   30:28  9:49 
   90   300 Cade Horner               M   8 Villa Ricca            GA   30:33  9:50 
   91   303 Rod Horner                M  44 Villa Ricca            GA   30:33  9:50 
   92   489 Charles Eaton             M  64 Ormond Beach           FL   30:35  9:51 
   93   518 Donia Pinaldi             F  30 Palm Coast             FL   30:35  9:51 
   94   262 Melisa Coyle              F  32 Miami Beach            FL   30:36  9:51 
   95   487 Carol Eaton               F  59 Ormond Beach           FL   30:37  9:52 
   96   222 April Adams               F  31 Palm Coast             FL   30:38  9:52 
   97   233 Paul Arkin                M  36 Crestview              FL   30:42  9:53 
   98   424 Thomas Winkert            M  13 Potomac                MD   30:46  9:54 
   99   227 Cole Ansorge              M   8 Bunnell                FL   30:49  9:55 
  100   543 Roz Mawhinney             F  49 Palm Coast             FL   30:50  9:56 
  101   226 Chad Ansorge              M  10 Bunnell                FL   30:59  9:59 
  102   391 Mike Telegdy              M  38 Palm Coast             FL   31:01  9:59 
  103   423 Rebecca Winkert           F  19 Potomac                MD   31:04 10:00 
  104   469 Jordan Walls              M  13 Palm Coast             FL   31:15 10:04 
  105   422 John Winkert              M  55 South Riding           VA   31:17 10:04 
  106   455 Margaret Campanella       F  49 Palm Coast             FL   31:18 10:05 
  107   399 Jan Van Dalen             M  17 Palm Coast             FL   31:30 10:09 
  108   372 Vincent Scully            M  58 Clearwater             FL   31:32 10:09 
  109   282 Alexander Grassi          M  26 Mays Landing           NJ   31:33 10:10 
  110   260 Annie Conrad              F  38 Bunnell                FL   31:38 10:11 
  111   235 Paula Bales               F  29 Sweetwater             TN   31:40 10:12 
  112   232 Holly Arkin               F  39 Crestview              FL   31:45 10:13 
  113   467 Karen Dickson             F  44 Flagler Beach          FL   31:51 10:15 
  114   253 Lexi Chron                F  14 Northbrook             IL   31:51 10:15 
  115   405 Kelsey Vendur             F   8 Murfreesboro           TN   31:52 10:16 
  116   420 Jack Winkert              M  13 South Riding           VA   31:53 10:16 
  117   532 Briddger Chatman          M  24 Port Orange            FL   31:54 10:16 
  118   306 Somer Johnson             F  18 Holly Hill             FL   32:17 10:24 
  119   522 Amy Wooley                F  37 Orange City            FL   32:18 10:24 
  120   356 Daniel Reich              M  12 Brooklyn               NY   32:20 10:25 
  121   450 Trinity-Jane Eldredge     F   9 Flagler Beach          FL   32:22 10:25 
  122   360 Rose Riley                F   9 Palm Coast             FL   32:25 10:26 
  123   472 Aileen Brockdorff         F  40 Frederick              MD   32:29 10:28 
  124   283 Dougie Gray               M  11 Palm Coast             FL   32:41 10:32 
  125   245 Charles Carbone           M  69 Flagler Beach          FL   32:44 10:33 
  126   545 Jamieray Mack             F  12 Bunnell                FL   32:50 10:35 
  127   385 Coyle Stephen             M  27 Miami Beach            FL   32:52 10:35 
  128   316 Jim Luther                M  37 Palm Coast             FL   32:53 10:35 
  129   305 Martine Jacques           F  23 Palm Coast             FL   33:00 10:38 
  130   357 Lisa Reich                F  42 Brooklyn               NY   33:12 10:41 
  131   337 Walter Murphy             M  59 Marietta               GA   33:13 10:42 
  132   340 Carrie Oertel             F  38 Charlottesville        VA   33:14 10:42 
  133   380 Natalie Smith             F   9 Beverly Hills          FL   33:17 10:43 
  134   225 Donna Andrews             F  40 Palm Coast             FL   33:31 10:48 
  135   525 Melani Speer              F  39 Ormond Beach           FL   33:38 10:50 
  136   430 James Kuchenbrod          M  54 Palm Coast             FL   33:43 10:51 
  137   347 Mary Jane Prado           F  39 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw BEL      33:46 10:53 
  138   325 Hollee McNamee            F  32 Palm Coast             FL   33:49 10:53 
  139   339 Jennifer Ochoa            F  32 Ocala                  FL   33:52 10:54 
  140   279 Amanda Gibbons            F  25 Jupiter                FL   33:53 10:55 
  141   255 Lisa Chron                F  44 Northbrook             IL   34:00 10:57 
  142   229 Beth Arend                F  42 Wheaton                IL   34:01 10:57 
  143   433 Roger Epperson            M  70 Palm Coast             FL   34:06 10:59 
  144   263 Shanna Daly               F  29 Palm Coast             FL   34:08 11:00 
  145   274 Lisa Eggleston            F  44 Lawrenceville          GA   34:26 11:05 
  146   370 Karrie Sandberg           F  15 Palm Coast             FL   34:30 11:07 
  147   320 Joan Mansour              F  57 Flagler Beach          FL   34:31 11:07 
  148   376 Leah Shashaty             F  13 Tallahsssee            FL   34:57 11:15 
  149   228 Tracy Ansorge             F  32 Bunnell                FL   35:14 11:21 
  150   270 Luke Dyer                 M  14 Jefferson City         MO   35:19 11:22 
  151   444 Phyllis Jenkins           F  54 Palm Coast             FL   35:32 11:26 
  152   237 Carmen Bourdeau           F  50 Palm Coast             FL   35:46 11:31 
  153   541 Jessica Gonzalez          F  31 Columbia                    35:47 11:31 
  154   248 Zachary Caronna           M  16 Palm Coast             FL   36:05 11:37 
  155   323 Linda Mathies             F  48 Petaluma               CA   36:20 11:42 
  156   224 Nicole Allen              F  32 Palm Coast             FL   36:36 11:47 
  157   449 Patsy Eldredge            F  41 Flagler Beach          FL   36:40 11:49 
  158   419 Ally Winkert              F  10 South Riding           VA   36:46 11:50 
  159   296 Wendy Hershey             F  44 Queenstown             MD   36:48 11:51 
  160   319 Elizabeth Mangan          F  27 Palm Coast             FL   36:54 11:53 
  161   523 Beth Kemp                 F  48 Palm Coast             FL   37:13 11:59 
  162   452 Cheryl Parks              F  49 Palm Coast             FL   37:14 11:59 
  163   333 Joe Monaco                M  69 Palm Coast             FL   37:22 12:02 
  164   465 Carole Evans              F  66 Flagler Beach          FL   37:26 12:03 
  165   251 Courtney Chron            F  16 Northbrook             IL   37:43 12:09 
  166   254 Lindsay Chron             F  12 Northbrook             IL   37:43 12:09 
  167   252 Kasey Chron               F  12 Northbrook             IL   37:44 12:09 
  168   386 Celeste Sticca            F  55 Fargo                  ND   37:57 12:13 
  169   331 Pat Miller                F  58 Ormond Beach           FL   38:02 12:15 
  170   269 Emily Durst               F  33 Flagler Beach          FL   38:12 12:18 
  171   408 Mark Voss                 M  44 Linn                   MO   38:12 12:18 
  172   289 Megan Hasselman           F  30 Hastings               FL   38:40 12:27 
  173   299 Patricia Hodges           F  57 Palm Coast             FL   38:40 12:27 
  174   288 Billy Hasselman           M  29 Hastings               FL   38:45 12:29 
  175   417 Tracy White               F  63 Flagler Beach          FL   38:47 12:29 
  176   241 Libbie Butler             F  58 Palm Coast             FL   39:02 12:34 
  177   314 Skylar Lovelady           F  12 Bunnell                FL   39:18 12:39 
  178   491 Maureen Garcia            F  41 Palm Coast             FL   39:25 12:42 
  179   361 Sara Riley                F  48 Palm Coast             FL   39:29 12:43 
  180   436 Carol Lager               F  68 Flagler Beach          FL   39:36 12:45 
  181   447 Joe Crogan                M  61 Palm Coast             FL   39:42 12:47 
  182   327 Jennifer Mellow           F  41 Palm Coast             FL   40:04 12:54 
  183   281 Radiah Graham             F  36 Palm Coast             FL   40:07 12:55 
  184   448 Monika Stander            F  25 Howie in the Hills     FL   40:18 12:59 
  185   540 Dave Voger                M  40 Louisville             KY   40:32 13:03 
  186   413 Jane Walter               F  61 Palm Coast             FL   41:17 13:17 
  187   459 Jack Moffatt              M   9 Palm Coast             FL   41:18 13:18 
  188   415 Erin Weed                 F  36 Palm Coast             FL   41:20 13:19 
  189   460 Sinead Moffatt            F  34 Palm Coast             FL   41:31 13:22 
  190   458 Andrew Moffatt            M  34 Palm Coast             FL   41:32 13:23 
  191   412 Leonard Walsh             M  48 South Daytona          FL   41:49 13:28 
  192   265 Candace DeMarco           F  25 Palm Coast             FL   41:51 13:29 
  193   421 Jennifer Winkert          F  18 Potomac                MD   41:51 13:29 
  194   267 Kim DeMarco               F  52 Palm Coast             FL   42:04 13:33 
  195   526 Ashley Speer              F  16 Calhan                 GA   42:15 13:36 
  196   246 Kaitlyn Caronna           F  15 Palm Coast             FL   42:31 13:41 
  197   354 John Raymond              M  41 Palm Coast             FL   42:32 13:42 
  198   355 Kay Raymond               F  34 Palm Coast             FL   42:33 13:42 
  199   533 Joan Sully                F  46 Gainesville            FL   42:37 13:43 
  200   371 Shannon Sandberg          F  42 Palm Coast             FL   43:07 13:53 
  201   247 Mayte Caronna             F  38 Palm Coast             FL   43:42 14:04 
  202   461 Shannon Tucker            F  14 Bunnell                FL   43:53 14:08 
  203   402 Kathy Vazquez             F  55 Palm Coast             FL   44:05 14:12 
  204   410 Brooke Walls              F  40 Palm Coast             FL   44:13 14:14 
  205   345 Lori Prado                F  39 Palm Coast             FL   44:35 14:21 
  206   549 Jennifer Garten           F  37 Palm Coast             FL   44:41 14:23 
  207   377 Harry Shoff               M  65 Deland                 FL   44:44 14:24 
  208   434 Cecelia Jenifer           F  66 Palmyra                VA   45:07 14:32 
  209   271 Darrell Edge              M  45 Palm Coast             FL   45:08 14:32 
  210   238 Tommey Brady              F  45 Palm Coast             FL   45:15 14:34 
  211   407 Brenda Voss               F  41 Linn                   MO   46:27 14:57 
  212   427 Fred Ziems                M  70 Palm Coast             FL   46:55 15:06 
  213   425 Sara Woods                F  40 Flagler Beach          FL   46:56 15:07 
  214   440 Tony Amos                 M  47 Palm Coast             FL   46:57 15:07 
  215   435 Gary Jenifer              M  68 Palmyra                VA   47:08 15:11 
  216   507 Julie Todd                F  50 Grafton                OH   47:14 15:13 
  217   401 Sonia Van Dalen           F  51 Palm Coast             FL   47:31 15:18 
  218   369 Lorrie Ronan              F  51 Palm Coast             FL   47:40 15:21 
  219   368 Crystal Ronan             F  30 Palm Coast             FL   47:48 15:24 
  220   538 Ben Gonzalez              M  10 Palm Coast             FL   48:24 15:35 
  221   275 Smythe Eggleston          M  48 Lawrenceville          GA   48:37 15:39 
  222   272 Jessica Eggleston         F  21 Lawrenceville          GA   48:39 15:40 
  223   273 Lauren Eggleston          F  17 Lawrenceville          GA   48:39 15:40 
  224   309 Suzanne Kline             F  50 Port Orange            FL   48:53 15:44 
  225   416 Laura Wells               F  50 Palm Coast             FL   49:43 16:00 
  226   315 Bianca Lovett             F  52 Palm Coast             FL   49:44 16:01 
  227   482 Corrie Syesta             F  39 Palm Coast             FL   53:07 17:06 
  228   485 Allana Fox                F  37 Palm Coast             FL   53:08 17:06 
  229   324 Martha Mathies            F  72 Flagler Beach          FL   53:09 17:07 
  230   432 Janet Epperson            F  69 Palm Coast             FL   53:25 17:12 
  231   500 Maureen Ryan              F  57 Flagler Beach          FL   53:33 17:15 
  232   499 Shannon Ryan              F  35 Flagler Beach          FL   53:34 17:15 
  233   498 Casey Ryan                M  33 Flagler Beach          FL   53:40 17:17 
  234   437 Aimee Wilson              F  41 Palm Coast             FL   53:49 17:20 
  235   382 Lynda Spencer             F  44 Bunnell                FL   53:51 17:20 
  236   497 Kent Ryan                 M  59 Flagler Beach          FL   53:55 17:22 
  237   542 Gonzalo Gonzalez          M  58 Palm Coast             FL   55:16 17:48 
  238   539 Joan Gonzalez             F  50 Palm Coast             FL   55:28 17:51 
  239   530 Connie Tsouklaris         F  72 Flagler Beach          FL   56:26 18:10 
  240   302 Judy Horner               F  64 Ocala                  FL   56:45 18:16 
  241   290 Roger Hausmann            M  65 Linn                   MO   56:45 18:16 
  242   439 Beth Guilfoyle            F  34 Palm Coast             FL   56:49 18:18 
  243   301 David Horner              M  67 Ocala                  FL   57:03 18:22 
  244   291 Terri Hausmann            F  64 Linn                   MO   57:04 18:22 
  245   364 Bill Robertson            M  69 Wheaton                IL   57:12 18:25 
  246   365 Bruce Robertson           M  62 West Chester           OH   57:12 18:25 
  247   396 Trevpr Tucker             M  35 Bunnell                FL   59:00 19:00 
  248   231 Jesica Arend              F   5 Wheaton                IL 1:00:09 19:22 
  249   230 Brian Arend               M  41 Wheaton                IL 1:00:11 19:23 
  250   363 Angel Robertson           F  51 West Chester           OH 1:01:21 19:45 
  251   344 Juliet Prado              F  64 Palm Coast             FL 1:05:33 21:06 
  252   346 Mark Prado                M  41 Palm Coast             FL 1:05:33 21:06 
  253   348 Melecio Prado             M  70 Palm Coast             FL 1:05:35 21:07